Hello 👋!
My name is Cecilia Soares. I'm 39 years old and I have a master degree in Tax Law and a master degree in software engineering from Universidade do Minho.
My first academic degree was in Law and I've worked for several years as a lawyer. However, some years ago, I felt a need to change and to embrace a new adventure. Therefore, I decided to enrol in Software Engineering. This experience was very gratifying and enriching.
My master thesis was about modeling Vertical Reconfiguration Protocols in Alloy, which is a popular open source specification language.
In my free time I'm volunteer at Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Guimarães (SPAG), a local animal rescue association. I like to read and explore different subjects also.
Any question or information about me or my professional journey, do not hesitate to contact me through LinkedIn or Email. You can also follow me on GitHub.